Thursday, August 21, 2008

smile... Critique of Obama... response to that critique...

Found this critique of Obama which made me smile... lesser of two evils and all... you deal with the world you have in front of you. Not the one you want!

From a blog called A Speculative Fiction: I've gone cold to Obama
This Krugman op-ed reminds me how Clinton has somehow slid into the number two seat behind Edwards on my ranking of the Democratic candidates...
Finally, Mr. Obama is storing up trouble for health reformers by suggesting that there is something nasty about plans that “force every American to buy health care.”

Look, the point of a mandate isn’t to dictate how people should live their lives — it’s to prevent some people from gaming the system. Under the Obama plan, healthy people could choose not to buy insurance, then sign up for it if they developed health problems later. This would lead to higher premiums for everyone else. It would reward the irresponsible, while punishing those who did the right thing and bought insurance while they were healthy.

Here’s an analogy. Suppose someone proposed making the Medicare payroll tax optional: you could choose not to pay the tax during your working years if you didn’t think you’d actually need Medicare when you got older — except that you could change your mind and opt back in if you started to develop health problems.

Can we all agree that this would fatally undermine Medicare’s finances? Yet Mr. Obama is proposing basically the same rules for his allegedly universal health care plan.

Obama's way of playing health care shows he cares more about independents than actual policy. Which is a death knell if you think for two seconds you can take on the insurance companies and private profits coming from the status quo and come out with some form of policy that will be effective and successful.

Great points, and luckily it is the responsibility of congress to write the legislation. Making sure we elect Democrats to congress will help on this issue. Luckly Obama is very inspirational, a great speaker, and has brought in new people to the political process who finally believe government can help protect and empower people. His short comings on health care policy--yes. But even his plan is an improvement and can be adjusted to fix some problems. The choice will be between Obama and McCain. McCain's health care policy is dead wrong. Or should I say, deadly wrong.

Since our health care crisis kills people everyday. We rank 37th in the world for health care and pay two to three times as much for worse care. What have the other industrialized nations learned that we haven't? Fire conservatives like Bush and McCain and we can start to head in the right direction!
Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction


Moses Gunner said...

Did you see the Bunk study stating 2/3 of doctors in America want National Health Care. The doctors who did this study also conducted one in 2002 and found that the majority of doctors did not want national health care, the problem with this is that the 2 question surveys drastically differ in their 2nd question. I found this article, 60% of Doctors Surveyed Oppose Switching to a National Health Care Plan, It's worth a read.

Jim Nichols said...

thanks for commenting.. I haven't seen this.. would like to look into that more since I love to debunk crap in the media...

posted my thoughts in a new blog post!

keep bringing stuff like that to my attention. More knowledge is never a bad thing!