Friday, August 29, 2008

The bridge to nowhere...

Two Three Reasons Sarah Palin Should Not Be Vice President
By Brad DeLong

No reasons so far why Sarah Palin would be qualified to be president--aside from a claim that she shares a hairdresser with Amy Winehouse. And a bunch of big negatives are flooding in. The biggest surround the fact that John McCain stands at least one chance in five of dying over the next four years and that she would then become president. Here are three:

Sarah Palin's Abuse-of-Power Scandal ("Will No One Rid Me of This Meddlesome State Trooper?" Department)

One of them is her firing of Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monega for no reason anybody can explain--except for the likelihood that Monega had not obeyed her staff's demand to fire State Trouper Mike Wooten, Palin's ex-brother-in-law.

Now Palin's story is that she had absolutely nothing to do with her aide Frank Bailey's demands that Monega fire Wooten.

That story didn't fly when Henry II Plantagenet tried it after the murder of Archbishop Thomas:

Palin's the One: So now we've learned that Sarah Palin is McCain's choice for nominee. I have to say. It's a daring pick but I think a very weak pick. I'm perfectly happy with it. Palin is in the midst of a reasonably serious scandal in her home state. Her brother-in-law is a state trooper who is in the midst of an ugly custody battle with her sister. And she's accused of getting the state police to fire him. Recently she was forced to admit that one of her aides had done this, though she insists she didn't know.... John McCain... a cancer survivor who turns 72 years old today, is picking a vice presidential nominee who has been governor of a small state for less than two years and prior to that was mayor of a town with roughly one-twenty-seventh of the citizens that Barack Obama represented when he was a state senator in Illinois...

Sarah Palin Lies in Her First Speech:

The second is the fact that she could not get through her first speech without telling a lie:

Anchorage Daily News, 10/5/06: Palin Said She Supported The So-Called "Bridge To Nowhere," But Was Concerned Money "Flow" Was "Going to Slow":

As for the infamous 'bridges to nowhere,' MacDonald asked if the candidates would forge ahead with the proposed Knik Arm crossing between Anchorage and Point MacKenzie and Ketchikan's Gravina Island bridge. Each has received more than $90 million in federal funding and drew nationwide attacks as being unnecessary and expensive. He also asked if they support building an access road from Juneau toward -- but not completely connecting to -- Skagway and Haines. 'I do support the infrastructure projects that are on tap here in the state of Alaska that our congressional delegations worked hard for,' Palin said. She said the projects link communities and create jobs. Still, Palin warned that the flow of federal money into the state for such projects is going to slow...
MSNBC, 8/29/08 Palin: "I Told Congress 'Thanks But No Thanks' On That Bridge To Nowhere":

During her speech in Dayton, Ohio, after being introduced as McCain's running mate, Palin said, "I told Congress 'thanks but no thanks' on that bridge to nowhere. If our state wanted a bridge, I said, 'we'd build it ourselves.'...

Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction

1 comment:

Jay said...

A more valid concern is she does not fulfill her role as a vp nominee (and her personal beliefs could impose on liberty): (1)She has displayed neither experience not judgment with regard to foreign policy.
(2)She is opposed to a woman's right to choose.
(3)She is opposed to civil same sex unions.
(4)she has neither experience nor displayed judgment with regard to economic policy.

She is McCain's nominee to revive his image as "the Maverick." She has a reputation for fighting establishment for her beliefs. Regardless, I question her beliefs.

She is nominated to coerce the undecided, bitter Hillary supporter. "Look at us. WE like women. WE will put one in the White House. See? We aren't bigots, unlike those hypocrite liberals."

It will not work. Why? Two words: Joe Biden. Joe Biden has been in the Senate since 1973. George Bush called Biden for advice after the 9/11 attacks. Biden has experience.

Despite her supporting a 1998 measure banning gay marriage, she vetoed a bill that would infringe on the liberties of Alaskan citizens. She deserves credit for this action. However, it is not a qualifier for vice presidency.

She also kept a political promise during her campaign for mayor: she lowered taxes 60% and lowered her salary. Again, these facts alone are not enough for someone to be President of the Senate.