Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I've gone cold to Obama...

This Krugman op-ed reminds me how Clinton has somehow slid into the number two seat behind Edwards on my ranking of the Democratic candidates...
Finally, Mr. Obama is storing up trouble for health reformers by suggesting that there is something nasty about plans that “force every American to buy health care.”

Look, the point of a mandate isn’t to dictate how people should live their lives — it’s to prevent some people from gaming the system. Under the Obama plan, healthy people could choose not to buy insurance, then sign up for it if they developed health problems later. This would lead to higher premiums for everyone else. It would reward the irresponsible, while punishing those who did the right thing and bought insurance while they were healthy.

Here’s an analogy. Suppose someone proposed making the Medicare payroll tax optional: you could choose not to pay the tax during your working years if you didn’t think you’d actually need Medicare when you got older — except that you could change your mind and opt back in if you started to develop health problems.

Can we all agree that this would fatally undermine Medicare’s finances? Yet Mr. Obama is proposing basically the same rules for his allegedly universal health care plan.

Obama's way of playing health care shows he cares more about independents than actual policy. Which is a death knell if you think for two seconds you can take on the insurance companies and private profits coming from the status quo and come out with some form of policy that will be effective and successful.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Well it was a ride...

State Representative, District 72
100% of precincts reporting
PR=Precincts Reporting
TP=Total Precincts

Brown(R) 888 24.6%

Madden (D) 571 15.8%

Ramsey (R) 1,925 53.4%

Vaisvil (R) 221 6.1%

Kevin and all of Team Madden did a great job. It was a real campaign, but Matt Ramsey had real money and the 72nd is a really conservative district. Despite all of that the Democrats have proven it is a new day in Fayette County and that they will be knocking on doors and making every call they can to make sure Republicans don't get a pass for their bad policy and poor leadership.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Trump: Bush is the Worst President in History


Green Day - Working Class Hero

A local group of volunteers from The Save Darfur Coaltion are holding an event at the Martin Luther King Center today at 2pm in Atlanta. Come if you live here... do something to raise awareness where you live if you don't.

Genocide is going on right now. Right now. It is our duty to do something. Our duty.