Monday, June 23, 2008

Blog disclaimer

Blog Disclaimer:

The Internet age in someways has turned our world upside down. In some ways it has changed nothing at all. To those who grew up within a culture PI (pre-Internet)the idea that you post something at random scares them. What about your good name? What about future employer? Google is a verb you know!

The quandary I had to deal with before I decide to jump head first into becoming Chairman of the Henry County Democratic Party was the idea that this would open myself and my family up to attacks on my ethical standing in the community.

Because of my core Libertarian values of free speech, free expression, and open dialogue I decided that my public persona and public ideas are separate and distinct from my private life. But that to evade, hide, or run from the other aspects of my life; my shortcomings, my failures, my mistakes, and the biological and sociological challenges that I have happened upon from no fault of my own--would be unauthentic. Cynicism in politics is fed by politicians and leaders who are seen as two-faced, manipulative, and able to lie to your face.

If I'm going to step up and speak out in the community I will speak to policy and not people. And I expect the same from others. For those who want to dig into my closets, dig up my skeletons, and point to every random idea or crazy thing I have said or done--that speaks to their values, their priorities, their views on how political discourse should take place in a free and democratic society.

As a student of philosophy, a writer, artist, and cultural critic, and a human being; I expect many of the things I do, say, or question will challenge the core of who we are as a society, where we have come from, and where we are going. Our values, our priorities, our beliefs.

I hope that this venue... and other gem's of my questioning of the world that certainly can be found with next to little effort... are taken as not all encompassing or the entire story about my values, my priorities, and my beliefs that we should take care of one another and respect differences. I hope my mistakes in word, in action, and in thought--will be respected as opportunities of growth in my own life.

I will always apologize to those I have offended, work to improve behaviors that harm and hurt.

But I am a human being, failings and all. I won't run from who I am. My public life is my public life. My private life is my private life. Please do not confuse the two.

Jim Nichols
Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction

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