Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Boortz newsupdate Wed. Aug 20th...

I don't know why I waste my time but... eh..

Boortz has a history of terrible policy positions. He makes up for this through invective and verbal intimidation...

Just how does The Chosen One feel about the 2nd Amendment? After the Supreme Court ruled on the DC gun ban Obama was somewhat trapped. His previous position in favor of the ban was inoperative, so he had to come up with a new position.

Could is possibly be that he respects the courts decisions? Could it possibly be that he realizes coalition building (i.e. leadership.. gasp) is about accepting some things you disagree with for a greater good. Is Boortz all knowing--or just trying to take a cheap shot?

I know, I know, I know... He's an entertainer so he is supposed to be a little crass, a little rough around the edges... but I see people every day who take him as gospel so a little hyperbole is fair? No? You tell me...

Ahhhhh .... But he's so suave, so debonair, and he speaks so well! It doesn't really matter what he says, but he sure says it good!
Once again attacking Obama for his ability to speak, communicate, and inspire people to believe in a government that will protect and empower them. This is also known as leadership.

When anyone who is not a Democrat or a liberal succeeds at anything .. a liberal will tell you it is because they cheated.
I don't.. your argument goes down the drain.

Here is another good one on Joe Biden
The real reasons that you don't want people like Joe Biden in the White House is because he has three priorities as a politician: Ending the war in Iraq, universal healthcare, and building up government schools. Not to mention that he also believes in this global warming scam.
These seem like good priorities, and an educated position on global warming.

Our schools are failing, the war is weakening our national security and we have failed to protect our troops once they come home. Universal Health Care? We rank 37th in the world for Health Care and spend 3 to 4 times as much as others.

Wow is all one should say. A vote for McCain empowers people who hold views like Neil Boortz... Obama in 2008. The lesser of two evils... but far less evil than the policies of guys like Boortz.

I'm still occupied quite enough, than you, thinking about The Chosen One's affinity for Marxism.
Can anyone explain the link between Obama and Marxism? Socialism? WTF? Where do these people come up with this? Well its manufactured propaganda but people repeat it. No one has ever explained the link between Obama and Marxism, Socialism, or anything of the lot

In a court appearance Wenning tried to use the "choice of evils" defense, saying that blocking the entrance to the site was less "evil" than the taxpayers subsidizing a day labor center that helps illegal aliens get jobs. (Uh oh ... should I have said "undocumented immigrants?")
Question. Can you grandstand on free-markets... and claim you support free markets when you obviously do not?

For those who don't know. Free market theory include... free movement of trade, finance, and LABOR. Free-Market... free flows...

Who could lecture others on how noble the free market is... and how evil and or incopetant those who don't support it are? Boortz's doesn't support the free market if he's worried about illegal immigration--maybe he doesn't care and is just pointing out this story...

If he does oppose migration of labor he is making a caviat... then he is moving from economics to the realm of politics where one must focus on the greater good in the society vs. economic theory debate. One man's passionate caviat to markets is another mans evil. Thats why and when elections come into play. When you lose public opinion which conservative always do. You cry conspiracy... you cry elitism... you cry socialism I guess...

Oh, and I thought Neal was a libertarian?
You heard this one, didn't you? About 100 college and university presidents have gathered together to promote the idea of lowering the drinking age to 18. Reason? To put it bluntly, these college presidents can't – or don't want to control underage drinking in their student bodies. Their solution is to lower the age. Appoint me to be the chairman of the board of regents and we'll get this problem solved. You drink one underage drink .. you're out. Gone. Tuition and all other fees forfeited. Campus security will escort you to your dorm room and stand by while you put your stuff in some black plastic bags, take your student ID card, and escort you off the campus. You'll be issued a warning never to return, and arrested for criminal trespass if you do.
We think they are responsible enough to fight and die... but not drink. Thats an infringement on Liberty. The hobgoblin of libertarians all over the world. Why would he pontificate on Liberty but not actually apply it?

Such is the sad state of affairs within "Libertarian" thought. This Libertarian can only feel sad for this sorry state...
Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction


Anonymous said...

As a Libertarian, I can assure you that Mr Boortz no longer represents the policies or beliefs held by Libertarians. He is simply a water carry for the Neocon establishment.

Jim Nichols said...

thats good to hear...

do you have any thoughts on Bob Barr's conversion?

I applaud him for speaking out on the civil liberties/torture issues of the past 8 years.

I often think of Benjamin Franklin's... "A Republic... if you can keep it."

There has been an unfortunate slide towards authoritarian rule in the past 6 years since 9/11. I think the fear has made people forget that we stop the terroirst in their tracks with ipods, open markets, free speech...

I applaud Barr for actively speaking out against the Bush administration... hopefully it will give the Bush supporters pause