Tuesday, July 15, 2008


AJC is reporting, and everyone I'm talking to locally on the ground, are saying turnout is low. Here are my predictions... this hurts Rand Knight and Vernon Jones in the US senate race (Rand Knights target voters are new voters and liberal voters who are not blue dogs... Vernon Jones has high name ID with low turnout populations...)

In Henry County I think this low turnout hurts Fred Auletta in the Chairman of County Commission race, and Steve Davis in district 109 House race (Fred's honest and realistic approach to transportation is in opposition to Republican activists who tend to be conservative and tend to stray from strong market based approaches to the economy and fixate on a theoretical view of how the economy should work. Trea Pipken is helped because the Republican establishment here in Henry oppose Steve Davis.

For what its worth those are my early predictions.
Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction

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