Monday, July 21, 2008

Bob Barr

Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction


DavidFL10 said...

I haven't decided among Barr, Nader and Obama. Have you?

Jim Nichols said...

Ahhh and you forgot green party candidate cynthia mckenny.

I'm obama because McCain is scary and therefore one has to vote for Obama due to electoral numbers--at least in GA which may be a swing state this year. If I lived in a state like California in 2000 and 2004 which was going to go solidly for the democrat I would vote for the green party though I'm not thrilled with McKenny.

DavidFL10 said...

You are more of a Democrat than I am. I am proudly liberal in the most classical sense, but fear the Democrats in power are no better than the Republicans in power.

Isn't McKinny the one who assaulted a security guard trying to do his job when she didn't have her congressional pin on?
I am embarrased the Green Pary chose her.

I don't think we really need to worry about who is going to win in 2008. I will be surprised by anything less than a landslide.

What is your "interesting concession" on the FairTax?