Wednesday, July 16, 2008

6 hours left and counting

Taking a quick break from my two day paper writing marathon.

Its due by 11:59 tonight and its 6:42 now. I'm through the first two sections and have 3 sections left. I'm taking a moment of pause to catch my breath, rest my eyes, and call my lovely fiance to say hello.

Thats all...

I'll post both of these papers tomorrow. I'm not really happy with either of them. It's that old addage about the amount of time and effort you put into something will show in the results you produce. You can say that one again! Sigh... you do what you can, you do what you must, and you always try your hardest. Above and beyond that its merely useless stress worries and lack of perspective of your place and capabilities as a human.

p.s. anyone know why I can't link to my own page in my signature? I guess they don't want me inflating my google rank? Sigh...
Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction

1 comment:

Nick said...

How did you put your 'signature' in? Is that part of your Template?