Tuesday, July 15, 2008

election day blogging

Spoke with Henry County board of election--turnout is low. Get out to VOTE!!!

Also there has popped up an issue about Jim Powell candidate in primary race for Public Service COmmision that I have just found out about today.

The state party asked me to verify the issue going on with Jim Powell for Henry County. Appears notices were posted that Jim Powell was removed from ballot earlier this week by Sec of State--called Henry County Board of elections around 11 am today and they stated that the notice was posted but that the court order was received last night and the notices were pulled and that Jim Powell's name is on the ballot. Appears that some counties still had up the posted notice. Please pass on this info to any who might be able to follow up on this for you locally so that we know whats going on with this issue. Follow ups with your county board of elections would be important.

Out of courtesy I am passing on this message from Jim Powell. Hopefully the media will look into this to find out what and why this has occured.

Please share far and wide so that we find out what the story on this issue is

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jim Powell
Date: Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: go vote--it matters
To: Jim Nichols

Jim - please share far and wide. Thanks.


In a partisan political move Secretary of State Karen Handel
disqualified me as a candidate on Thursday, July 10th but failed to
notify me. I heard about it on Sunday night from the rumor mill and
called yesterday to confirm the rumor. My attorneys went to the
Fulton County Superior Court and a Judge issued a Stay. After the
election today, I will go back to the Superior Court and formally
appeal Handel's decision. In her decision to disqualify me, Secretary
Handel overturned a Judge's decision (June 24) that had already
determined that I am a resident. This partisan action has received
considerable play in the media and I just wanted to assure you that I
am committed as ever to being elected to the Public Service Commission
in November. In fact, Handel's decision has made me more determined
if that is possible.

So, the good news is that I am still a candidate and I expect to win
today. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Please remember to vote
for me today in the Democratic Primary. Your support is very
important to me.

To help clarify the events, my son put up a post on last night that
does a great job at articulating what happened yesterday. Please
check it out: http://www.infoaccelerator.net/blog/post.cfm/close-encounters-with-dirty-georgia-politics

Here is the link to the AJC article:

All 159 Election Boards have been ordered to remove all signs, posters
or notices regarding the disqualification. When you go and vote today
please look around to make sure this happened. Should you find any
such sign, poster or notice that addresses the disqualification, I
need to know about it ASAP.
Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction