Friday, July 11, 2008

drinking liberally

Brother Peter, do tell us how the recent event went...

Sorry I missed it! I was reading Sartre...

Jim Nichols
A Speculative Fiction

1 comment:

yardman5508 said...

It is funny you shoild ask, brother Jim...this particular one suffered from "summeritis"...there were only four of us...and the major topic seemed to be "What's good on the new menu?" We did speak of T. Boone Pickens coming out as the major "wind farmer" in Texas, and his feeling that oil was a "dinosaur" as it were. If we can get more of corporate America to see the light, we might actually make some headway.

Other than that, it was a quiet evening in Lake Woebegan, my home town. We did speak briefly of taking August off, but we decided jut to drop the "liberally" next month and just drink. Have a great trip and we will talk some when you get back. Keep the faith.