Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Obama does it again...

So two issues close to home for me are health care and labor issues. After going over a year without health care coverage during a catastrophic health care crisis in my life, health care and those who are for getting people covered AND stopping the right wing nonsense on the issue is a big deal for me. Currently working in a low skill occupation with no labor union causes me to be defensive of and stand up for labor unions who are protecting workers rights. I work in retail and the shareholders are doing quite well I assure you. But the work force is neglected, taken advantage of, and manipulated. And I DON'T work at WalMart. So anyone who takes right wing shots at unions looks bad in my book. Obama has used conservative rhetoric to attack the universal plans of Edwards and Clinton, and is now attacking unions alla conservative rhetoric. This quote really says it all
“I’m taken aback that somebody like Obama would think that Oprah Winfrey has a greater right to participate in the political process than the 4 million people I represent,” Edward J. McElroy, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, which has spent $799,619 on New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s behalf, said, referring to the television host’s high-profile support for Obama. “It’s sour grapes. It sounds just like the charges the Republicans make.”

I'm also throwing this one in the political hobgoblin tag for unions being special interests...

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