Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. Kings National Holiday...

What a wonderful day. What a wonderfully blessed day. Today is the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday here in this country. And for those of us within the social justice movement he is a very important leader.

On a day like today I think it is good to pause, reflect. But I felt called to write today because the one thing I don’t want any of us to do... is reflect too long. Dr. King wouldn’t want that. Its so easy for me to become overwhelmed by the magnificent grace, the humble but steadfast spirit, the tragedy, and sacrifice of an amazing man. But I can’t let myself fall into despair or wavier on what I am supposed to learn from Doctor King. I am asking you to not wavier either. Doctor King tells us what we are called to do. He speaks to us and we must never let Dr. King’s voice die because that would be the worst tragedy of all.

It was such a magnificent voice. He spoke with the commitment of Gandhi and grace of Paul. Dr. King was called to serve. He was called to lead. And he expected others to serve with him. I don’t know about you but I’m gonna listen to Dr. King today like I have never listened before.

In his letter from a Birmingham Jail he responds to his critics who are saying, “What are you doing there? You belong in Atlanta. You’re causing trouble.” And he responded by saying that “I am in Birmingham because injustice is here.” .

One of his gifts was that he was always able to boil things down to simple issues. Simple, but not simplistic. He was able to remind us all that we tend to forget that the only true question at hand is ‘are you your brothers keeper’? The theme of the letter he composed in that jail cell was in many ways a theme of his life. The message he spoke to those questioning clergy was: I’m not here to cause trouble. I’m here cause there is trouble; and I’m part of something that going to change that!

I wanted to remind us of that today. Dr. Kings voice still speaks to us. It is our obligation to keep his voice alive. His voice says to me as I look around my neighborhood, my country, and across this globe that I too have been called to serve. That I too am supposed to stand up when my neighbor has no health care coverage, when the 19 year old down the way has no education, no good jobs, and even worse no hope. Its not just me is it? Am I the only one who hears his voice when they walk out their door to go to work, or read the paper. Its not just me. He speaks to us, of that I am certain.

He says that we are to stand up and not sit idly by while people across the globe drown in abject poverty, die from diseases we can cure and wars that wouldn’t happen if we used diplomacy and wisdom. We are to stand up and act because right now in a country in Africa, a country called Sudan a genocide is taking place today. It’s the same Genocide that was going on last year. And the year before that.

Something is wrong in our culture when so much violence is perpetuated against other human beings and we sit and do nothing. But I know that something is right about the hearts, minds, and souls of people who stand together and say we’re here not to cause trouble, we’re here because there is trouble. That’s what Dr. King teaches us and it is up to us not to forget.

His voice tells us that wherever injustice goes, we must follow. We organize, we educate, we vote; that is how we never forget. And we stand firm and resolute; peaceful and respectful; and in the most gracious and loving way we can, tell those who aren’t able to hear us yet, that we aren’t here to cause trouble. We are here because there is trouble and we are not going to stop until we change that fact.

Listen to Dr. King's speech: "Why I am opposed to the War in Vietnam"

Please take some time today to make a commitment to do something for our community.

If you are local there are many options. To see of some of the things I’m involved in you can go to 3rd District Common Agenda which is the online location of the grassroots social justice network I founded last year. We have done house parties on issues like Darfur and getting books to people in Prison. Or go look at the political organizing I am helping to build up here in Henry County for the Democratic Party.

Henry County Grassroots Network

These are just two avenues... if you want to help get people health care, or any of the many other causes of human suffering that must be addressed come get involved. If these avenues don’t appeal to your interest get in contact and I can help locate the groups and organizations doing important work.

But its up to each and every one of us to use what we have been blessed with in a way that helps others. We are in the thing together...

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