Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My response to Westmoreland comment...

Saw a defense of Lynn Westmoreland and his voting record and gas prices... here was my response

How would increasing domestic production capacity bring down global oil spikes over long term. The short run aggregate supply curve shifts from the change in the commodity price but to counter that effect it would seem the data suggests increasing technologies that will help decrease our dependence on oil (like McCain wants). Such will also help our private sector... by helping stimulate buisness in a sector of the economy that will have huge long term growth potential for American businessness.

I'd be interested in seeing the economic data that backs your suggestion AND helps our long term economic growth. For now i'm unconvinced. Oil was yesterdays profit maker... we have to be on the cutting edge or we will fall far behind economies of China, India, and (gasp) Europe...

Westmoreland's policies continue to undermine our security, our economy, and our citizens here in the 3rd District.

Fellow 3rd District Voter
Jim Nichols
Chairman Henry County Democrats

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