Friday, May 2, 2008

I have a question...

For those of you who don't know me: I don't have a PhD in climate sciences, in geography, in oceanography, biology; basically any area that may have some important information on global warming.

Now I have noticed a lot of people who have a passionate belief that global warming is a hoax. And they get really really deep in technical details about things that I have no fucking clue about and like to challenge me on it. None of these people have phd's. They don't actually have very in-depth intellectual competency in...well anything really. (whats the connection between believing in supply-side economics and not believing in global warming?--there is one, if you haven't noticed)

But my question is... why do all the PhD's not seemed to be bothered by all this gobbly-goop? I don't know nothing bout nothing when it comes to science. I put more trust in a phd than a guy who believes in the Fair Tax; thats just me.

Why would I trust a talk-show host over a guy who has spent years studying science? I mean seriously... I'm just askin'...

these things are mysteries to me.

1 comment:

yardman5508 said...

I don't have all those degrees either, but I do work outside for a living and have noticed something that might be of note here. I have noticed that it has gotten steadily more windy as the last few years have passed. It is harder to spray weedkiller without damaging ornamental plants. Just an observation. Keep the faith