Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Crisis in Lebanon...

Yesterday's financial times had a news article on the clashes going on in Lebanon. It was entitled Fear of Civil War as Lebanon clashes escalate.

The recent fighting between the Druze community a minority sect currently in power and Shia gunment is becoming increasingly violent. Death of 5 days of fighting is over 40 people.

The biggest threat is to the regional balance of power with Hizbollah fighters backed by Syria and Iran vs. a Government which is supported by the major Sunni states of Sadui Arabi, Egypt and Jordon. Which means we might want to reconsider our recent vocal condemnation of Iran and Syria which could add to the chaos in the reigion and more broadly may speak to the vital foreign policy questions that we in the Anti-war movement were asking--Is it wise to further destabilzie a reigion that is currently held together with wire string and glue? Is it wise to overthrow governments through external force and aggression rather than using the modal that worked for the United States of an improving market economy which raised incomes and education and created a class of merchants and business owners who desired and were able to overthrow governments the dictator (in our case a king) which uses the status quo political structure and factionalism for their own gains.

If someone invaded the United States and said--as all aggressor nations do--that they were coming to enlighten us and fix our problems. Would you and I not be on the streets attacking our liberator/occupier?

I don't have answers but it does give me pause and a need to reflect and educate myself more broadly on the issue.

This might cause to reflect on our past actions and apply what we've learned to future efforts internationally.

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