Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rockridge on Faith and Liberalism...

Ask Rockridge: O Ye of Little FaithIf some of those who share our values and beliefs happen to tie them to their religious faith, should other progressives look askance?
Progressives are bound together by values. We believe in acting empathetically and with responsibility. We value cooperation and community. We model nurturance. We promote inclusion over exclusivity. We exalt the attitude of "we are in this together" over "look out for number one." Like Gandhi and King, we keep the faith that we can make the world a better place. If some of those who share our values and beliefs happen to tie them to their religious faith, why should other progressives look askance? Why shouldn't secular progressives embrace the countless thousands of religious progressives in this country? Who are we to say that secular teachings represent the only legitimate path to progressive attitudes? And ultimately, doesn't turning our backs to people of faith amount to the very intolerance that we decry?

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