Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ideologues are the problem not the solution....

A great example of why Republican Ideologues have done damage to the quality of life for citizens was in the Henry Citizen Newsletter #123 on July 31 where the husband of a teacher wrote in about the impact of furlough's on their family.  He ended up having to take the day off of work to assist in getting the class ready, and pointed out that they have spent money out of pocket to buy white boards, supplies, and decorations for the classroom.   Private citizens footing the bill for our obligations as a state is unacceptable. 

This isn't the first time I've heard about situations like this.  In fact there are many examples of budget cuts directly impacting citizens.  This is unacceptable, government has an obligation to meet is commitments to the citizens of this state.  Don't get me wrong, nobody will be happy with every program; and certainly procedures, processes, and bureaucratic nightmares can and should be fixed. 

These kinds of headaches are faced in the corporate world as well--government isn't unique in these headaches.  That is one of the reasons why I'm campaigning on the need to start looking at modern findings in behavioral economics and cognitive science.  As I asked around to some of the Legislators, lobbyist, and activists who spend a lot of time up at the Gold Dome about which Legislators were looking into this kind of approach--everyone scratched their head and said they weren't aware of anyone approaching government this way. 

That is unacceptable--its time for policy to join the 21st century!  It is also a great example of why a new generation of leaders who are bringing new ideas and new approaches to the Gold Dome are needed. We create programs and process that are more efficient and effective--not by working at cross purposes with our natural biology but by harnessing our natural predispositions and human nature.  We can create more efficient and effective government--but underfunding our state is not going to make that happen.

Republicans like Ronald Regan and George H. W. Bush raised taxes to deal with structural deficits--so this isn't a democrat or republican issue.  Its a prime example of how ideologues have taken over the Republican Party.  The number of "Independents" running around these days is another one. 

If we want to cut programs--fine, make it happen.  The fact they a Republican Majority has failed to make that happen is proof that the people don't want their services and programs cut.  That's why I support instant runoff voting so that more Libertarians can get elected if that is the will of citizens in those districts.  This would hold the Republican majority accountable for their claimed "small government" approach.  But if you can't get the programs cut, then you have to pay the bill in a sustainable, responsible manner.  Its like gravity, you can't get away from it.

Therefore Legislators have an obligation to pass responsible solutions that are sustainable--and protect our long term prosperity.  Last minute cuts and plugging holes in the budget with a stimulus program that we can't expect every year is not sound economic policy and has a huge impact on the quality of life of citizens in this state.  Rep. Davis has done the best he could, but his commitment to ideology before pragmatic solutions and compromises is part of the problem. 

I'm running because this state needs solutions not two more years of gridlock and broken government. 

Posted via web from Jim Nichols for GA State House

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