Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thoughts on Hamas and Carter...

Wherever you stand on the issue... the conflict over Palestine and the Palestinian people that has been going on since the British years ago is a horrible page in history.

When I heard the NPR story about Carter going to speak with Hamas I couldn't help but feel proud to be a citizen whose leaders will work to solve the problems of this world--for 8 years we've seen the opposite.

As long as you accept the teachings of Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr.. You can never turn away from a place for dialogue and communication no matter how bad the difference are. Resistance and action against violence and coercion--always. But rejection of dialogue means the terrorists win, the violence wins, our biologic/genetic ancestry wins out over man's potential for humanity.

Here is a Billy Bragg song on a tragic glimpse of the every day violence that the civiians on all sides have to face every single day... only this time through the eyes of American who stood up for peaceful resistance and civil disobeience. We have a marvolous history of many who have stood for this prinicple of non-violent resistance.

I cry every time I watch it.

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