Sunday, April 20, 2008

Reinhold Niebuhr quote...

I've been reading the German Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr's Moral Man Immoral Society, this past week and wanted to post on it. I'll focus on the opening quote:

[A] sharp distinction must be drawn between the moral and social behavior of individuals and of social groups, national, racial, and economic; and that this distinction justifies and necessitates political policies which a purely individualistic ethic must always find embarrassing..."

This is something progressive understand intuitively. I think this is part of the reasons Conservatives struggle with economic policies that will work for people in a highly complex global market. Pull yourself up by your boot straps doesn't work no matter how warm and fuzzy people feel about it. This is probably a good challenge to ponder for progressives. How better to reach out to voters explaining complex policy in a way that is neither pejorative nor condescending...

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