Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Morning Meditation goes live...

Part of my struggles is with structure and discipline. I work to improve this by setting a goal of getting up every morning, walking 3 miles, and then reading a short morning meditation. Something to keep my focus on how I can keep from getting dragged down into vapid consumerism, rage at all the struggles of the world. When you indulge, or cannot always relate to your fellow man in respect--you are just as much a part of the problem.

I don't always follow through--which means I have to always work to keep focused on this goal. But as a part of this. I hope to do my best at posting my meditations on youtube. For one to keep my feet to the fire, and also to share some very good writers and thinkers with the rest of the world.

Its still uploading... so give it time...

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