Thursday, March 27, 2008

Its not my job to do everyone elses job...

I'm a little frustrated today...

There are so many things that need to get done. Some many subjects that need more vocal advocates. And I keep trying to go in so many directions and accomplish so much. And I just can't. Its not my job. Whose job is it? Who connects all these dots? Leave it to the invisble hand? YOu know it seems some people are confused... yes there is an invisible hand... but no its not necessary for that hand to be slapping people around. The two aren't connected in some nasty Machiavellian dance.

Ahhhh.... I just let it go.

I do what I do--work on improving the quality of my own work and find ways to accept the world. My high expectations is almost a negation of the world, and inability to accept it with all its flaws. Might not that too be a flaw with which I must work on?

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