Saturday, November 3, 2007

October numbers to chew on....

Rasmussen - October 2007 (Most recent match-ups)
Favorable / Unfavorable

Hillary Clinton - 49/49 - 54/45 - 47/51 - 46/52 - 50/49
Barack Obama - 47/45 - 55/39 - 51/42 - 47/48 - 48/50
John Edwards - 49/44 - 46/47 - 48/44 - 46/43


Hillary Clinton

Conservative - 8%
Moderate - 34%
Liberal - 51%

Barack Obama

Conservative - 7%
Moderate - 34%
Liberal - 49%

John Edwards

Conservative - 10%
Moderate - 34%
Liberal - 44%

Vs. Mitt Romney

Clinton - 47%
Romney - 41%

Obama - 48%
Romney - 39%

Edwards - 52%
Romney - 35%

Clinton leads by 6%, Obama leads by 9%, Edwards leads by 17%

Vs. Fred Thompson

Clinton - 47%
Thompson - 45%

Obama - 44%
Thompson - 43%

Edwards - 48%
Thompson - 39%

Clinton leads by 2%, Obama leads by 1%, Edwards leads by 9%

Vs. Rudy Giuliani

Clinton - 44%
Giuliani - 46%

Obama - 43%
Giuliani - 45%

Edwards - 44%
Giuliani - 45%

Clinton trails by 2%, Obama trails by 2%, Edwards trails by 1%

Vs. John McCain

Clinton - 44%
McCain - 43%

Obama - 44%
McCain - 45%

Edwards - 47%
McCain - 40%

Clinton leads by 1%, Obama trails by 1%, Edwards leads by 7%


Clinton leads the Republicans by an average of 1.75%
Obama leads the Republicans by an average of 1.75%
Edwards leads the Republicans by an average of 8.00%

He's got the best health care policy... AND he polls less liberal than the two other leading Dem's. What more could you want? Why are we even discussing this?

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