Sunday, June 10, 2007

Richard Rorty (1931-2007)

Philosophy news via Leiter

When I was a teenager postmodernism was an intellectual hit personally because it irritated my elders. I'd say around 9/11 I realized how vitally important reasoned collective discussion was and began to reject pomo in anything outside of the art, literature, and poetry. Rabble rousing as a form of social critique lost its appeal as a way of causing people to see the world in a fresh light as soon as rightwing statist and conservative reactionaries began--what in all honesty all states have done in "times of war" which was--to vulgarize truth, exploit fear of the "other" and impose their authoritarian goals.

I've never read much Rorty. But I'm certain his work and that of his students will keep me quite busy in a productive and healthy manner.

Simon Blackburn on Rorty early 2003

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