Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Thinking takes time... and other examples.

People ask me what I mean when I say I want to be a philosopher, they ask me what I really want to be doing. I tell I think. And then I think about thinking. And then I think some more. Everyone does it, people plan, analyze, compare others thoughts. Philosophers just do it paying very close attention to what they are thinking and how they are thinking it and then take the next step and try to write some of it down. It takes time and patience. You'll spend days trying to understand an idea or come up with a solution to something. But then something happens, out of the blue, in the middle of a rain storm while you are waiting in traffic, talking on the phone, and eating a sandwich the answer or solution you've been looking for will pop out of nowhere. Basically you set the stage with proper maintenance and then you wait...

Well the same thing works with science. You need certain tools, you learn certain strategies that help improve your chances of success. But many times success is found in the random downtime as you can see here....

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